Guatemala - Central America

women orthopedist global outreach


“the focus always remained the same: to serve the underserved”
its about the gift that we can give to humanity

When the pandemic brought the world to a stand still, it put a pause on Wogo’s yearly efforts to continue to make a global impact providing the gift of mobility, medical education and community outreach to underserved countries around the world.

Throughout that time, the focus always remained the same: to serve the underserved and the less privileged with minimal access to life-changing surgeries for free.

The challenge is always continuing to fundraise and attain endowments as the team is 100% voluntary.

The missions and outreach that Wogo provides has a huge ripple effect to not only individuals who receive surgeries and education, but to their families, their communities and future generations.

Wogo’s continued goal and mission for their content and social presence was to provide awareness and build engagement with their immediate impact organization to their supportive donors while also inspiring a new audience searching for a great cause to be involved in and be inspired to take action in their humanitarian efforts.


Women Orthopaedist Global Outreach
Steve Sepulveda + Alex Villaseñor
Alex Villasenor + Shawn Tylka
Edit + Color
Steve Sepulveda
Anabella Morales
Sound Design + Mix
Steve Sepulveda


approach to  achieve

The Wogo Guatemala Project presented unique challenges because COVID was still high-risk and travel was still challenging.

We began our Storyfinding and Development phase by going on a Pre-Trip to Antigua, Guatemala, a few months prior to official production, with key members of the Wogo Team to help us facilitate connection with the core local team from the hospital that would be assisting with the mission as well as helping us develop our creative milestones. It also allowed us to gather ideas for possible locations and scenics.

We had some wonderful conversations on site and created a Typeform that we used to gather potential stories from more of the staff and patients which we then used to continue conversations back at our home base via email and WhatsApp. This helped us narrow down the best potential characters for our stories.

We had to not only identify who the potential patients were going to be and if they would be able and willing to be a part of our impact stories, but on top of that, we would not know till the last minute if they would be selected to receive surgeries based on their medical health history.


Still, brimming Emotions

Capturing the Unseen Heroes: Behind the Scenes of a Life-Changing Surgical Journey

Once Production began, we had a very tight timeline. Coordinating with surgeons performing round the clock surgeries in a short span of time is no easy feat. We knew we wanted to create an anthem Hero film that focused on the surgeons and their inspiration for what they do. We also knew we wanted to tell the stories of a few patients and the impact that these lifechanging surgeries would have on their lives as well.

We set out by hearing first hand accounts from patients, and some of their family members who were receiving these life-changing surgeries as well as hearing first hand from the incredible volunteer medical staff and how it has changed their lives as well.

Through our research and on-the-ground storyfinding, it led us to understand that the gift of mobility is not just a one-way street. That inspired us to create a team building film as well as the patient stories that captures the passion of some of the unsung heroes that volunteer for a cause much bigger than themselves.

With a skeleton crew, we quickly built report and meaningful interviews that were authentic and real while leaning into the natural spaces of the patients homes, often times small in size and with time constraints, with a small foot print while safely maintaining social distance.

Back at the hospital, we quickly shifted gears capturing the breakneck speed schedule of the medical team in order to capture their experiences in between their extensive surgical schedule at hand.


untold stories

It was such a privilege to craft a Anthem Hero film that would recapture Wogo’s passion for their mission after having to curb their efforts for 2 years during COVID and telling the story of these 9 incredible female orthopedic surgeons.

Fully understanding that 1 film can not do it all, it was incredibly inspiring creating three patient impact stories and a team building film that celebrated the inspirational volunteers from all across the U.S. that donate their personal time for the greater good. It really does fill your whole heart.

On the first day of launching their hero film on Giving Tuesday, Wogo raised $18,000 in the matter of a couple of hours.They continue to promote the films and have been receiving donations through their website, social platforms and fundraising events with all 4 films

Main film shot for client
01:46 min